Friday, April 06, 2007

no parts necessary

My desk at work is stashed with goodies to keep me going throughout the day. (You try sitting at a desk for eight hours a day without snacking--it's impossible.) The snacks that last the longest are little applesauces (just like the ones your mom packed for you when you were a kid), unsalted peanuts, and my newest addition--raisins! Goldfish, pudding, and apples go too fast to be economical or very healthy. Of course, the little chocolates I buy for my co-workers I strategically leave in the other office space so that it is a 'treat' and worthy of a visit.

All of these are traditionally finger foods, except for the applesauces. I am quite the pro at eating applesauce in those little cups without a spoon. Unnecessary! Use your tongue! Why the tongue has become such a faux-pas is beyond me. Why is it inappropriate to create less trash, less water waste, less stuff?! I call for a reinstitution of eating without utensils. So many other cultures do it, and they do it with style, flare, and grace. Whenever I spill some applesauce, I remind myself that in bucking my culture, there is a transition period. It is not always smooth and clean and streamlined eating without utensils, but this is only at first! And heck, at least I'm trying.


Blogger mandy said...

Hey, Erin -- I found it! And, fun hanging out last night; let's do it again.

A word on eating without utensils: My first year at UVa I had the pleasure of dining many an eve with this South African fellow who had the most splendid accent I'd ever heard. He insisted that in South Africa they don't eat salads with utensils. Just salad. So he would proceed to eat the salad with his fingers getting oily dressing all over himself. I don't know if he was pulling my leg or what, but I enjoyed the show.

Also, in Micronesia, I ate a lot of rice with only my fingers. I kinda dug it. You can sorta press it together in goofy shapes and it's kinda like Play-Dough. Good times. I'll support the initiative.

2:14 PM  

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